If you were to go on urbandictionary.com, it would be spelled, “thirst queen,” and say the following:
“A person always seeking attention, or approval of others, especially people they don’t know. A classic one up-er.”
My response to Thirst Queens
That, my dear reader, is what I DON’T want you to be as a wine consumer. A thirst queen with an “i.” In other words – a sheep.
There are SO MANY thirst queens in the world of wine. People who just buy big brands because of the name recognition, the dollar signs attached to the wine, and just because it’s a wine they already KNOW.
Thurstqueen is meant to be ironic. It’s a play on words. Because Thurstqueens LOVE irony but also because Thurstqueens love to be educated. We want to know where stuff comes from.
We want to know the stories behind everything. We want as much knowledge and to be empowered as much as possible. We also want to get the most bang for our buck because we don’t spend money indiscriminately.
In short – I want you to be a THURSTQUEEN.
A THURSTQUEEN – or KING – has a basic level of wine knowledge and understanding.
They know what their tastes are – such as whether or not they love high acid wines, wines high in tannin, or wines that are full bodied. They know what they like and aren’t afraid to ask for it.
They understand fun and interesting regions – regions off the beaten path and are not afraid to look for wines from these special places and try them.
They are savvy wine buyers and know when certain wines are overpriced.
They also know what wines to buy for their purposes – such as purchasing a wine for a dinner with friends, a party wine, a brunch wine, a bath wine (yes there is such a thing) or a wine to have by the pool.
But above all, they are CONFIDENT.
A THURSTQUEEN is always confident and empowered when it comes to ordering or purchasing a wine – because knowledge is power.
If there’s one thing this blog can do for you to turn you into a THURSTQUEEN, it would be providing you with knowledge so you can be a more empowered wine buyer.
Because you shouldn’t have to be a queen to be able to drink like one.
Xoxox and Champagne,
The Thurstqueen